
A little bit akin to the joker

General Info
- 20 y/o
- EN, SP (DR), FR, JP
Feel free to chat with me whenever. I generally like talking. Can't promise I won't be a chatterbox, though

- Regular DNI criteria
- You send genuine death threats to people
- If you're not rockin' with Yume content

- Project Sekai
- Ensemble Stars
- Kingdom Hearts
- Love Live
- Pokémon

- I tend to be sarcastic and joke around a lot, but I mean no harm!
- I'm critical of all my interests, but saying that is like saying "the sky is blue" in my opinion

Comm Info
Payment is upfront, but can be refunded at any time before the final sketch is confirmed.
Generally, it's best to DM me through Twitter or Tumblr for discussion of the commission as well as updates.
Unless directly told otherwise, I will post commissions and note them as such
Will Do
- Costume Designs
- Fandom Stuff
- OCs
- OC x Canon / Yume content
Iffy On
- OC Designs
- IRL People
Won't Do
- Gore
- Gundam / Mecha

Costume Info
- Any costumes I design are free to use as long as I'm credited and the post for the costume is linked back to in some way
- Costumes I'm commissioned to design will only be free for others to use if stated as such on the post
- Enstars Costumes I design aren't meant to be Femstars costumes, but to a similar caliber as the default unit costumes in the store in Project Sekai
- On that note, however, I'm fine with my costume designs being used for Femstars content. Same usage rules apply